Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Make a commitment to fair play in the group

Have you ever been in a group and had a moment where you thought your idea was better then someone elses and the problem solving became competitive ?

Today im going to be talking about fair play within a group and what it means to have fair play.
Within a group there is going to be many tasks at hand that require problem solving in order to complete the task. Problem solving within a group is not a competitive thing, when people make it a competitive thing this is when the task becomes more difficult to complete. When group members cooperate you are making tasks very easy and simple to complete and you are not putting your group in jeapordy just for yourself. In otherwords cooperation and fair play in a group is key to success. All group members are equal and deserve to be heard and have their opinion respected.

What is your opinion on what I have touched upon today ?

Monday, 25 February 2013

Behaving with the good of the group in mind

When working in a group there are many different elements involved that will make you a good group member or leader, all the different aspects tie in together to make things run smoothly and to make you work effectively.

Today i am going to talk about the responsibility of behaving with the groups good in mind. This means that make sure your actions in group are going to benefit you, your other group members, and the group as a whole. Everybody has their own personal goals that they want to accomplish when working on a project. It is very important to take into consideration everyones goals, opinions, and arguements and rely on your group members as well even though you it may go against what you are saying. Listen to all information heard and study the information with an open mind for the good of the group. Doing this will benefit the group in the long run and help make an easier and more effective outcome to your project.

What does behaving with the groups good in mind mean to you ?
